It was and still is the leading cause of the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STDs. You confuse the fact that HIV/AIDS infiltrated the gay community first with homsexuality being its CAUSE. It's a disease, blaming people for having a disease is inhumane.It is absolutely nauseating seeing two men lip-locked, including Butt-Gig's queer wedding pictures. But I'd bet you love to see two WOMEN lip-locked, huh? As long as they're attractive, anyway. Your personal problem, that's all.The Bible considers homosexuality an abomination. Of course, if you are an atheist, that means nothing to you. Thanks for answering your own point. And Jesus never said a word against it, BTW.You missed my whole point.I am offended by Microsoft peddling homosexuality to me in unsolicited eMails.You're offended because you're a bigot. They're not 'peddling' anything, or is anyone going to become gay because they read e-mails. No better or worse than any other e-mail that's unsolicited.The queers don't want "equality of treatment". They want to flaunt their queer shit in everyone's faces and sue people if they don't cater to their perversions. No, they've always wanted equality. Your kind has always supported making their whole sexual preference illegal, punished by prison, beaten by cops, rolled by brutal thugs, harassed, denied employment, etc. You're the one who should be ashamed.