Desperate times call for desperate subject lines...seriously, this phone call of Trump's today was unhinged even by his own deranged standards... Bartiromo basically had to play along as if talking to someone calling from the loony bin:'On Wednesday morning, hours after news broke that special counsel Robert Mueller will testify before Congress in a public setting on July 17, President Donald Trump called in to Maria Bartiromo’s Fox Business show for a lengthy phone interview that was especially unhinged, even by his standards.It was a surreal affair from start to finish. But even during its wildest moments, Bartiromo pretended to understand what Trump was talking about and acted as though he was making profound points. In that respect, it illustrated how Trump-friendly media — Fox News and Fox Business in particular — normalize an obviously abnormal president.'Economics came up...sort of:'Bartiromo, perhaps cognizant that Fox Business is ostensibly a business network, tried to steer things into a discussion of the administration’s ongoing trade negotiations with China, but Trump instead made a series of hyperbolic and false statements, including his familiar mischaracterization of how tariffs work.“Europe treats us worse than China,” Trump said. “Europe is — you know, look, I come from Europe [Trump is actually from Queens, New York]. We come — you come from Europe, okay, you’re of the European nations. European nations were set up in order to take advantage of the United States.” 'When he's not crying about how HE'S treated, he's crying about how WE'RE treated...supposedly.He's mad at Jerry Powell at the Fed:'rates — trashed him.“Here’s a guy — nobody ever heard of him before. And now, I made him, and he wants to show how tough he is, okay. Let him show how tough he is. He’s a — he’s a — he’s not doing a good job,” Trump said.“I think the media got it wrong the other day when they basically said you said you wanted to demote him,” Bartiromo replied, ignoring Trump’s schoolyard taunts.'And last but not least, Mueller...the Enemy:'Toward the end, the conversation turned to Mueller’s forthcoming testimony. Trump, clearly angered, yelled into the phone about alleged crimes he thinks Mueller committed during the course of his investigation, and again wouldn’t let Bartiromo get a question in.Trump’s rant was completely disconnected from reality, but Bartiromo responded to it by saying, “it’s obvious what they were planning, sir.”Bartiromo eventually did manage to ask Trump a question about the House passing a $4.5 billion funding bill to improve conditions for migrant children who are being housed in facilities near the border. But despite public outcry this week over reports that children are being denied access to soap and blankets — not to mention the fact that the administration had requested the supplemental funds — Trump indicated he may veto the bill because it doesn’t contain money for his border wall.“I’m not happy with it because there’s no money for protection,” Trump said. “It’s like we’re running hospitals over there now.” 'More insanity, as the hostess tried to deflect his craziest, most violent rants. But bottom line, she knows not to really question the Loon-in-Chief, because he's the side of their bread the butter is on, basically.Republicans who won't remove this violently insane person under the terms of the 25th Amendment have a LOT to answer for. Hopefully he'll be gone before he gets a chance to destroy the world, at least.Hopefully.