1. Let NoKo get nukes - Ridiculous on the face of it. They had nukes before Obama came to office...in 2006.2. Lost peace in Iraq - there was no 'peace' thanks to Bush's idiotic invasion, ISIS began as A-Q in Iraq under Bush3. Let people die in Benghazi - terrorists attacked, we did not "let" anyone die, liar.4. Gave billions to Iran - unfroze their assets and let them have back the billions THEY OWNED after they signed an agreement.5. Did nothing to stop Russian meddling in our elections - he obviously attempted to stop meddling, and protested to your boy's buddy Putin. He couldn't do more without being accused by reTHUGlicans of "meddling."6. Doubled national debt - it increased considerably due to his push for a stimulus package, which helped bring about the recovery Trump is now taking credit for.7. Lied about BoZoBaMa Care. - No proof he "lied" about it at all, and flawed though the ACA may be, it was a valid attempt to get care to people.8. Politicized IRS against Conservative 501c groups. - a lie only the far Right believes.9. Stood by and let Russia invade Crimea and eastern Ukraine. - as opposed to what, making war on them and having it turn nuclear? 10. Dozens of other screw-ups. - Which you can't name or prove any more than you could the ones above. Dismissed, Mondo Racist.