DiscApp ID # 227735
Article ID # 692608
Author greenman
IP 2600:1702:3800:5cf0:8:4761:bc02:693f
Date Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:05:32
Subject Most don't support "open borders"

..contrary to the lies told here, and elsewhere, about immigration.


'Trump’s statements about Democrats and open borders, whether on Twitter or elsewhere, are pretty much the same. He trots out a claim that “Democrats do not care about Open Borders.” An unsupported claim that even seems to imply that we have open borders right now. But we don’t have open borders. We have visas and passports and crossing stations and Border Patrol and ICE checkpoints and over 650 miles of fence at the U.S./Mexico border.

In fact, the vast majority of Americans—including most Democrats—don’t believe in so-called “open borders.” That’s not to say that no one believes in open borders. Certainly, there are people who do. But most don’t. And open borders is not a policy the Democratic party supports; it’s not part of their platform. Regardless of how many times Trump and his supporters may claim otherwise.

Recently, some conservatives pounced on a poll that said that 32 percent of Democrats believed in “basically open borders.” A few things to note: 1) These were not elected Democrats; they were voters, so that does not reflect the Democratic platform. 2) That figure still means the majority of Democrats polled were not in favor of open borders. 3) The question was vaguely, even poorly, worded and did not offer any particular definition of “open borders.” Including the word “basically” further muddied the waters. We don’t know how these respondents interpreted the term “open borders.” It’s entirely possible that upon further questioning, many respondents may have said they believe “basically” in open borders, but also in border protection and a fence. We don’t know.'

The claim appears to be yet another bit of fiction from the far Right, which usually takes up a position and then claims its oppoonents believe the exact opposite - which to them, of course, is the only other POSSIBLE position to take.

IOW, another false dichotomy, of which they appear very fond.