DiscApp ID # 227735
Article ID # 692673
Author greenman
Date Mon Jul 15, 2019 14:58:06
Subject Probably the Court looked at documentation

...of actual Republican planners laying out how they would use the census to, as Merlin says, 'gerrymander the country.'

Although I'd bet California was the MAIN target...


'Opponents of the Trump administration's plan to include a citizenship question on the 2020 U.S. census say records found on a hard drive in Hofeller's home unmask partisan intent, including language nearly identical to the Justice Department's stated justification for the question: aiding enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the rationale seemed contrived and sent the case back to a lower court in New York.'

The rationale was indeed contrived. This wasn't just 'any activity' or 'anyone.'