DiscApp ID # 227735
Article ID # 692680
Author greenman
IP 2600:1702:3800:5cf0:2c09:842b:db8b:94da
Date Mon Jul 15, 2019 17:33:56
Subject Trumpers owe Assange a vote of thanks

...for helping them to elect the Orange Idiot:


'Despite being confined to the embassy while seeking safe passage to Ecuador, Assange met with Russians and world-class hackers at critical moments, frequently for hours at a time. He also acquired powerful new computing and network hardware to facilitate data transfers just weeks before WikiLeaks received hacked materials from Russian operatives.
These stunning details come from hundreds of surveillance reports compiled for the Ecuadorian government by UC Global, a private Spanish security company, and obtained by CNN. They chronicle Assange's movements and provide an unprecedented window into his life at the embassy. They also add a new dimension to the Mueller report, which cataloged how WikiLeaks helped the Russians undermine the US election.

An Ecuadorian intelligence official told CNN that the surveillance reports are authentic.
The security logs noted that Assange personally managed some of the releases "directly from the embassy" where he lived for nearly seven years. After the election, the private security company prepared an assessment of Assange's allegiances. That report, which included open-source information, concluded there was "no doubt that there is evidence" that Assange had ties to Russian intelligence agencies.'

'Hero of free speech and transparency?' Or Russian stooge who elected the worst person in U.S. history? It's beginning to look like the latter...