DiscApp ID # 227735
Article ID # 693096
Author greenman
Date Tue Jul 16, 2019 18:30:08
Subject Kellywise offers more Trump insanity

Truly, he could hardly have chosen a better spokeshag than Kellyanne Conway, whose gift for doubletalk and bullshit is second to none. Only the former, unlamented press creature, Ms. Sanders, could possibly equal Kellyanne's blatant dishonesty and contempt for America's free press.


Witness this exchange between Conway and Breakfast Media White House correspondent Andrew Feinberg regarding Trump's racist tweets over the weekend:

FEINBERG: Following up on the previous question: If the President was not telling these four congresswomen to return to their supposed countries of origin, to which countries was he referring?

CONWAY: What's your ethnicity?

FEINBERG: Um. Why is that relevant?

CONWAY: No, no -- because I'm asking a question. My ancestors are from Ireland and Italy.

FEINBERG: My own ethnicity is not relevant to the question I'm asking.

CONWAY: No no, it is, because you're asking, he said originally, he said originally from.

FEINBERG: But you know I'm asking --

CONWAY: But you know everything he has said since and to have a full conversation --

FEINBERG: So are you saying that the President was telling the Palestinian [inaudible] to go back to—[crosstalk]

CONWAY: The President's already commented on that and he's said a lot about this since that one tweet. He's put out a lot of tweets and he made himself available to all of you yesterday --

FEINBERG: No, just to the pool.

CONWAY: He's tired. A lot of us are sick and tired in this country of America coming last. To people who swore an oath of office.

lol...incredible. Like trying to have a conversation with the Mad Hatter...:)