DiscApp ID # 227735
Article ID # 694151
Author greenman
IP 2600:1702:3800:5cf0:5be:1e96:f3d4:9e33
Date Mon Jul 22, 2019 13:59:53
Subject American political dynasties

Mongo's vicious attack on the Kennedys below reminds me of the dynasty missing from the discussion, the Bushes.

Prescott Bush - did business with the Nazis before and DURING WWII, for which he was accused of dealing with the enemy. Bailed out by the heroism of his son...

George H.W. Bush - heroic bomber pilot during the war, afterwards CIA director (directed the Contras, among other things) and Reagan flunkie, whose coattails he rode to the Presidency. Not a bad guy all 'round, but blessed with three dopey sons, one of whom...

George W. Bush - somehow became President and spent 8 years embarrassing himself and America while letting the awful Dick Cheney run his foreign policy and make the world a worse place...especially for the people of Iraq.

The Kennedys are model American citizens, legislators, and leaders compared to these people...

..who are STILL more qualified than ANYONE in the Trump crime family....