Mongo's vicious attack on the Kennedys below reminds me of the dynasty missing from the discussion, the Bushes.Prescott Bush - did business with the Nazis before and DURING WWII, for which he was accused of dealing with the enemy. Bailed out by the heroism of his son...George H.W. Bush - heroic bomber pilot during the war, afterwards CIA director (directed the Contras, among other things) and Reagan flunkie, whose coattails he rode to the Presidency. Not a bad guy all 'round, but blessed with three dopey sons, one of whom...George W. Bush - somehow became President and spent 8 years embarrassing himself and America while letting the awful Dick Cheney run his foreign policy and make the world a worse place...especially for the people of Iraq.The Kennedys are model American citizens, legislators, and leaders compared to these people.....who are STILL more qualified than ANYONE in the Trump crime family....