Testimony by Mueller suggests that they're interfering 'as we speak.' Is anything being done? Mitch McConnell says 'I see NOTHINK, I hear NOTHINK!'https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/07/26/mcconnell-dubbed-moscow-mitch-blocking-debate-election-security-bill-just-senate'Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earned the nickname "Moscow Mitch" Friday after blocking lawmakers from taking action to prevent foreign interference in U.S. elections just as the legislature he leads concluded that Russians meddled in the 2016 elections in all 50 states.'Maybe my above take is understating it...seems like for Mitch-style Republicans, if it benefits YOUR party, it's good - whether it's gerrymandering, vote-suppression, the Electoral College, or Russian interference!Meanwhile, Kellywise the Evil White House clown suggests there's an equal danger from...a free press!https://www.newsweek.com/kellyanne-conway-press-election-security-threat-1451360'During the press conference, one reporter asked Conway if President Donald Trump considered election security to be a serious problem. Conway responded that the administration wants to protect elections from any threat, including American journalists."Well, we want secure elections," she said. "We don't want anyone to interfere with them, whether they are a foreign government or the domestic press corps."'Always good to get the neo-fascist opinion out there, right, Kellywise? Who needs a free press or a Bill of Rights!I weep for this country...