DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 700998
Author greenman
IP 2600:1702:3800:5cf0:45d2:59fc:271b:5b4
Date Mon Jan 14, 2019 15:55:53
Subject I understand that now, thanks

I apologize for my incorrect statements about demanding a 2000 mile wall. I had not heard Trump say that before, only 'We're gonna BUILD the WALL!,' the idiotic chant he used during his Nuremberg-style rants to his followers. My error.

So, are you gonna address the other parts, like, why we would NEED a wall, whether that would stop illegal immigration (most of which involves people overstaying their visas), whether it's a racist dogwhistle to his idiot followers, or whether it would solve the immigration situation which Republicans STILL have not seriously addresssed?

Will be awaiting your answers on those subjects, SES.

ps - the media have never told me "Trump wants a 2,000 mile long, 30 foot high wall" so can the bullshit, will you, asshat?