DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1282160
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Thu Oct 16, 2008 14:41:21
Subject Yawn.... lets' focus here OK?

If a conflict arrises in the classroom BETWEEN STUDENTS over one students family situation, the teacher DOES have to deal with that. Hiding ones head in the sand does not resolve the conflict.

Thus the FACTS may reasonably be presented. Such that there are same sex marriages in our society. That not all families look exactly the same. Some kids have 2 parents. Some have one. Some have step parents. Some have parents of different races. And some have 2 daddies or 2 mommies. These are the FACTS regarding our society and such a statement says NOTHING regarding the morality of such situations.

Yes, there are some arrogant little asshole students who will demand to force their own brand of social correctness on other students and proselytize in the classroom. And if a student attempts to do so, that student can be removed from the classroom until they can exhibit self control.