DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1310298
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Tue Mar 3, 2009 15:32:12
Subject Only morons do not want the best for their kids....

And all is fair in love and war...

IMO if one COULD choose to have a child with an 165 IQ instead of one with a 110 IQ, there is simply no question who anyone but an insane person would choose.

IMO only a fool would chose a child who would grow up short, overweight, and unsightly with high blood presssure and a heart problem.

If there is an option to be more selective, only a fool would fail to take it. To fail to take it is to condemn ones child to being less than he/she could be.

Now, traits like eye color and hait color are minor, but general stature and physical strength/robust body are worthwhile in terms of long term health.