DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1315164
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Fri Apr 24, 2009 09:37:32
Subject Yes... I recognize that....

But it doesn't matter because you will not know.

I had a fun conversation with a friends mother-in-law come to visit from California... My friend and I got into talking about an up-coming rifle match.... She started asking questions about matches and firearms in general.

She was baffled to realize that there were at least 2 firearms in the very room with her that she didn't even know about. One on my hip and one on her son-in-law's hip...

The key is, that you have no idea. There are probably a lot more firearms around you than you know about. Most of us who carry don't tell folks.... and we would especially chose not to tell folks who are likely to be high strung and twitchy on the topic like you.