DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1318782
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Tue Jun 9, 2009 23:09:39
Subject Got'ta love this reasonong ...

"He shoulda thought about that before getting his girlfriend prego."

So, in your manner of thinking, women are just thoughtless bimbos who are not capable of practicing birth control? Talk about Taliban mentality.

Where's the concept and ideal of equal personal responsibility?

It's "his baby" if she wants it ... but "her dead baby" if she doesn't. And you buy that shit?

It's a woman's choice only because of a relatively recent non-unanimous Supreme Court decision which could be overturned in the future. Many of the states are already pushing for tighter restrictions on abortion. It's coming, my friend, so don't accidentally get your irresponsible girlfriend prego, dude.