DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1318901
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:44:37
Subject Oh, men have great risk ...

... if they don't want the child and the woman does, they have the burden of providing for an unwanted child for the next 17 to 19 years. Huge risk! And, the woman is likely to be a prick and try to deny equal custody visitation rights if the man subsequently has a change in attitude and wants to be an active parent. All the in-laws pile into court, and it is a veritable food fight. I have seen it all too often.

On the other hand, if the man really wants his child, why should the woman be given the sole right to kill it? That just doesn't make good and proper sense.

That's why men should have rights ... equal rights. We have a dog in this race ... it's our kid too. You may choose to surrender your rights, but I don't want you or anyone else to surrended my rights.

PS - you brought up the risk of death due to childbirth ... not me. Now that I have successfully refuted your argument of relevance, you are merely confirming my victory by acknowledging that it was an irrelevant element to the argument in the first place.

Dont argue with Mondo ... submit!