DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1321233
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:45:39
Subject I guess I just don't get it ...

... now, I know that the nature of Philosophy is to question everything, to seek and define truth, to figure out and document the different ways of knowing, and to discover the nature of reality, but it just seems a bit paranoid to keep questioning knowledge that works for us day in and day out ... and it just detracts from the things that we should be questioning ... like the functionality of our leaders and the government.

We know the following beyond a shadow of a doubt:

1) We humans must breathe air, eat food and/or drink/ingest nutrient-laden water-based liquids in order to survive ... anyone doubt that?

2) If you mix baking soda (sodium bi-carbonate) and acidic vinegar at room temperature on Earth today, it will bubble up and emit CO2 ... any challenges to that?

3) If you yell "fire" at a police convention in a big hotel in the midst of 1,000 policemen, and there is no fire, you will be arrested by one or more of the policemen, provided that they are in their jurisdiction ... anyone wan'na try? ... and then tell 'em you were just conducting a Philosophical experiment ... as your fingerprints become a permanent fixture in the FBI files.

If you can refute these simple examples of "knowledge", or point out major obstacles, then you are on your way to being "well launched on the study of philosophy".

Examples of the knowledge that we don't possess are:

1) We allow an inexperienced President to squander a trillion dollars without knowing what benefits will inure to the people or how it will be re-paid.

2) Congress is planning to tax the shit out of fossil fuel power generation before they have a clue as how to replace it with a green energy source.

I think we should quit worrying about Bertrand Russell's paranoia and dwell on the real nature of reality.

Just my opinion, of course.

PS - I still take issue with Russell's insinuation "... not carelessly and dogmatically, as we do in ordinary life and even in the sciences, ...". True "Sciences" document knowledge that is provable, predictable, repeatable, etc. ... and an honest "Scientist" will label as theory anything that does not yet fit the required pattern of "Science". In addition, "in ordinary life", I strive not to answer ultimate questions and arrive at conclusions "carelessly and dogmatically" ... however, having answered such ultimate questions to my satisfaction, I tend to move on and not look back, unless one of those ultimate mothers fails me and sneaks up and bites me in the butt ... then I will stop and re-think my reality.

In the meantime, if the Sun does not rise tomorrow, we have about a week to bend over, put our heads between our legs, and kiss our arses goodbye ... but rest in the comfort of "knowing" that Mother Nature will take you to rest well before that event.
