DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1323270
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Aug 7, 2009 16:05:11
Subject You are missing the point entirely ...

... and I am not a "birther" ... I am a "Pragmatician" looking at an issue which is detracting from Obama's effectiveness as a leader and which is in need of resolution.

Otherwise, it makes little difference to me because it's the nutjob spendthrift Democrats in the House and Senate who are drowning us in debt ... Obama is just the Puppet in the Big House.

We're not talking about obtaining a passport or a driver's license. We're talking about Constitutional eligibility for the Presidency. Anyone who is born in another country and who becomes a "naturalized" citizen of the US can obtain a US passport and driver's license, and has full rights of citizenship with one exception ... they cannot become President by Constitutional Law. Everyone born in Hawaii after 1959 is a "natural born" US citizen. Everyone who was born in Hawaii before it became a US State is a "citizen", but it is questionable whether or not they are a "natural born" citizen ... which brings up the point ... we need a clear and concise definition of "natural born citizen" ... and we need to see Obama's original birth certificate.