DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1324505
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Wed Sep 2, 2009 18:06:00
Subject It's widely known ...

... and proclaimed that the following do not exist, nor did they promise or claim to have anything to do with creation, salvation, or life after death:

Santa Claus
Easter Bunny
Tooth Fairy
Lord Rama
Paul Bunyan

It would be difficult indeed to find anyone above the age of consent who does believe in these mythical figures of childhood and literary fantasy.

The foregoing notwithstanding, there is an innate sense of purpose and design in the depths of mankind which reaches out to us and makes us wonder where we came from ... why we are here ... where we are heading after this life. We are all Teleologists ... "by design", if you will. It is the evolution of this innate sense of purpose and design within us that has led us to the notion and literary documentation of God, creation, salvation, and life after death. Because it is neither deniable nor confirmable makes it all the more challenging as to what we do with the matter. We are creatures with questioning, yet formative minds, and it is difficult to cast asunder altogether that religious fokelore which has been instilled in one's upbringing since birth, backed with centuries of the same pattern and message. Ultimately, it is all a matter of faith ... but it is also a matter of choice.