DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1329175
Author sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Tue Oct 13, 2009 22:06:32
Subject How many times have you been tased?

You are correct, I did not watch the video. There is no point in doing so as nobody here is going to CHANGE their minds regarding it.

How many times have YOU been tased? Of all of your interactions with cops, how many times have you been beaten, tased, pepper sprayed, or shot?

The way I figure it, it usually works out this way...

Asshole cop + asshole driver = beating/tasing/pepper spray
Asshole cop + calm driver = citation
Calm cop + asshole driver = citation
Calm cop + calm driver = warning

IMO it really does take two to tango. I've run into asshole cops. I've run into cool cops. But I've never been tased or pepper sprayed, or beaten. Do you know why? Because I don't give the asshole an EXCUSE to ... with me. I am intelligent enough to know that the side of the road is NOT the time OR place to address what I consider to be poor attitude on the part of the cop. I go home and write a well thought out letter to his boss and his bosses boss, and the local paper.