DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1363384
Author shadow
Date Fri Apr 23, 2010 15:15:49
Subject You asked how we could bridge the gap.

I told you we probably couldn't. That is the case. You can not make me see you as you see yourself.

If my challenging you bothers you, then perhaps you should go to another forum. You seem to think this is a one way street with traffic dictated by you. Wrong again!

What you are not (Muslim or Jewish or anything else for that matter) does not make you a Christian. Claiming to be a Christian does not make you a Christian. Performing according to what the world would like Christians to be doesn't make you a Christian. Claiming to follow him while rejecting much of what he taught and some of the Holy Scriptures which he revered make you a deceiver.

If you want to keep hearing this, just keep up your self justification, and I'll definitely respond.