DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1375900
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:43:42
Subject They ...

... give you no warning, and it's on all the channels.

TV media has sunk to the lowest common denominator ... they are as much of a cheap-shot as National Enquirer.

I rarely watch anything on TV, but whenever I do watch NCIS, a movie, or some specific news program, this crap gets flashed at you during commercial break ... maybe it's a quick preview of another upcoming brokeback-rump-ranger movie, or whatever ... or it's a plug for Soledad O'Brien's upcoming feature about queers having babies, and they show men deep-kissing.

It is the vulgarization of the media and America. Those Biblical stories about Sodom and Gomorrah are beginning to look a lot like society today. You just don't know when we are going to get smotten with the jaw of an ass ... I think we already are.


I may take your suggestion and discontinue cable TV altogether ... I would save about $1,000 per year which could be used elsewhere. I get all the meaningful news in my e-mail long before it ever hits TV, so I have no problem keeping up-to-date, and I can download movies that I want to see. Good suggestion there, Ken.