DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1382880
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Tue Jul 27, 2010 20:52:18
Subject I had to chuckle today ...

... I was filling out a supplier registration form as a pre-requisite to doing business with a new client. The form asked all the usual questions like name of business, address, tax ID number, D&B number ... then it asked about type of business and I checked "Small Business". When I clicked a button to submit the form, it made me go back and answer questions about ownership. I had not checked "yes" or "no" in the "Minority owned" section because I am not a minority by gummint definition (although being a white Anglo-Saxon protestant male is getting to be definitely in the minority these days :). If I had checked "yes" on the "minority-owned" box, I would have had to check which kind of minority, and if I had specified "African-American", I would have had to submit a "certificate" ... and I laughed to myself "If Obama did not have to submit a 'certificate', why would an African-American be required to submit a 'certificate'?

Oh, well, it might not be funny to you.

Heh heh heh