DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1411035
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Jan 14, 2011 14:17:30
Subject How can we avoid political dissention ...

... (or dissension, both equally correct) when we have a dysfunctional federal government spending like there's no tomorrow on items that we don't agree upon and mortgaging the future of our kids, g-kids and gg-kids to the hilt? Does Obama expect us all to just sit down, shut up, take what he and others dish out, and just turn the other cheek? I think he's trying to quell the dissent resulting from his own irresponsibility and ineptness. He's had his own way for 2 years, with the aid of Pelosi and Reid. Maybe now he should sit down, shut up and listen to what the other equally-important side is saying.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism". We are stirred up because we don't like the way our country is being run into the ground.