DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1418762
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Mon Mar 7, 2011 12:08:30
Subject This is an alarming trend ...

[Thanks to TW]

Federal Workforce Up 11.7%, Private Work Force Down 6.6%

It doesn't take a rocket scientist, but it does take someone thinking with their brain instead of thinking with their emotions as liberals by and large do. The only things Obama is growing with his policies are the national debt and the size of government. Both are the actions of an idiot socialist.

Obama’s Economy: Federal Workforce Up 11.7%, Private Work Force Down 6.6%

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this trend is unsustainable. The private sector pays for the government. Without the private sector, and the tax revenues it pays, there can be no public sector. So when the public sector is growing and the private sector is shrinking that puts more tax burden on those still working in the private sector to support a larger government.

A trend exacerbated by the foolish notions that we can stimulate the private sector by expanding government spending.

Since the beginning of the last recession (December 2007) the private sector workforce has shrunk by 6.6% while shedding more than 7.5 million jobs. Over that same time period, the federal government workforce (excluding Census and Postal workers) has grown by 11.7% while adding 230,000 jobs.

This trend has continued throughout the Obama Administration. Since President Barack Obama was sworn into office, the private sector workforce has shrunk by 2.6% while shedding 2.9 million jobs while the federal workforce (excluding Census and Postal workers) has grown by 7% while adding more than 144,000 jobs.

The solution is to cut government, the only path to real economic recovery, is to downsize government and unburden the private sector.

Source: http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/obamas-economy-federal-workforce-up-11-7-private-work-force-down-6-6/