DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1434499
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Mon Aug 8, 2011 11:24:38
Subject The reason my name is on the DNR list so many times ...

... is that in most cases, I have requested the DNR to keep hypocritical, arrogant, volatile, vitriolic people like you from posting stuff like you post to me: "Concerning mondo, I do find him bigoted, deceitful and prone to inflammatory remarks.". One need only look at what you just said about me to ascertain that your comments are perfect reflections of your own rotten nature. I would greatly like to add you to my DNR list, as your posts serve no purpose other than to defecate your own uncontrollable hostilities on folks you don't even know.

The particular matter at hand is absolutely none of your business, so you should STFU and stay out of it ... that is, if you have any degree of self-control.