DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1435661
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Aug 19, 2011 21:05:20
Subject I disagree with your statement ...

... I agree with SES ... he wasn't talking about women, blacks, Jews, Southerners, Catholics or Polish ... pay attention ... he was talking about liberals.

I too think that most of the liberals that I have come across are lame ... most ... not all. The rich liberals know exactly what they are doing: fooling all the stupid liberals into thinking that they give a shit. The others are like minion sheep waiting for their rich leaders to tell them what they should be thinking and doing ... and it pretty much works every damn time ... well, except Obama is failing ib his deception of the sheep ... but, then, he's not really smart enough to be rich ... really rich.

Remember, the rich liberals are rich. They did not get rich by being lame or stupid. They are liberal in name only. They are not giving their money away to the government. They already have their money.