DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1436723
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Sat Sep 3, 2011 13:04:14
Subject Why would anyone buy LifeLock in the first place?

If someone opens credit in your name, you are not responsible for it.

If someone steals your credit card and uses is, you are not responsible for it.

What is LifeLock selling? Fear. Who falls for fear tactics? Stupid Democrats. When and if they ever wise up, they will stop doing stupid things, like voting for Obama and other folks who sell snake oil and peddle fear.

BTW, LifeLock got their asses kicked by the FTC without any additional regulations. If people would Google on companies which try to sell fear and snake oil before they turn all their personal information over to an entity that they don't even know, they would find out what scam artists exist out there. The DOJ is suing all the big banks for mortgage securities fraud. If you can't trust big banks, why would you trust a company like LifeLock? Why people voted for Obama based on his past, I will never know. He hung out with criminals, worked with a criminal to purchase his house. It's time for people to wise up and use their own common sense.