DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1457698
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Jun 29, 2012 13:32:13
Subject The "Achilles Heel" of the new flawed healthcare law ...

... where are the additional healthcare professionals going to come from?

Unlike a neophyte with no credentials who wormed his way into the White House on an empty, meaningless promise of "Hope'n'Change", healthcare professionals do not magically appear like jacks-in-the-box.

It takes 6-8-10 years for a physician to become educated and board certified. The medical schools and board examiners are not going to relax their standards to permit an expanded outflow of sub-prime professionals.

Many physicians are booked solid and do not take new patients. They are not going to extend their work hours just because three twits (Obama/Pelosi/Reid) pushed a bad law on the public. Many doctors can afford to retire early, and will if the government screws with them.

The end result is going to be long waiting times to get an appointment, shortage of medical personnel, rising costs for businesses with higher costs passed on to the people who can least afford it.

Just another flawed program from an overstuffed, ineffective government that can't even protect our own borders.