DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1460289
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:30:28
Subject This proves my point about you ...

... you said: "... Some of these companies were getting rather high refunds which I do not believe were simply overpayments. ..."

Believe? Believe? You have zero facts, but you want to believe those "evil" corporations are doing something wrong.

Listen, ignoramus, the IRS has permanent analysts assigned to major corporations to go over their records with a fine toothed comb. The corporations are merely following the existing tax laws, many of which were voted into existence by Democrat-controlled Congress and state legislatures. Your dishonest Democrats are good at grandstanding over bullshit because they know idiots like you will fall for it every time.

Those corporations do not exist solely to support an over-bloated government. They exist to provide income to shareholders, jobs for employees and contracts for suppliers.

Now, go choose a subject in which you have a modicum of competence ... if that is possible.