DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1487571
Author shadow
Date Fri Sep 20, 2013 16:09:03
Subject You remind me of the term that's

been in the news lately re the shootings in DC. The term they used should be an oxymoron: angry buddhist.

I've noticed on these boards that there are a lot of former Catholics whose chief identifying factor is their 'anger'.
Although I can understand why, I don't understand that they don't move beyond it.

Believe what you want about Jesus' baptism, but they didn't have those fancy Catholic baptismal fonts in those days, nor Popes, nor catechisms, nor any of the stuff you were taught that keep you from believing the simple truth. Baptize just means wash; the Jews had washing rituals. Since Catholic baptism does not involve immersion, you shouldn't have a problem with washing however it's done.