DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1494554
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Mon Nov 18, 2013 16:44:18
Subject Perhaps a more serious answer....

I don't think a persons faith or lack thereof makes then a better person, or a worse one...

IMO people are what they are. Some are nice folks and some are assholes...

IMO an asshole who believes in Jesus is an Asshole Christian. And asshole who believes in Allah is an Asshole Muslim. And an asshole who believes in no religion is an Asshole Atheist...

The truth is that there will be assholes in every social grouping in the world. Some social groups are better at filtering OUT assholes from their membership than others so that there may be LESS assholes in that group than in others. But I don't see it that the group makes the MEMBER less of an asshole....