DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1497783
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout2hotmail.com
Date Tue Dec 17, 2013 13:38:30
Subject Not just senile dependents UM...

Multiple ADULTS living in the home is what we are talking about. Not just grandpa who forgets he is not still in WWII in Normandy...

Yes, you find even a monogamous relationship to be difficult and trying... How about considering that having more people around can BALANCE out some of those challenges making it potentially EASIER than two people...

I'm not saying that it WILL be every time. There are good two person marriages and there are shitty two person marriages... There will be lousy, miserable multiple partner marrriages as well, but there ALSO WILL BE great multiple partner marriages. A three legged structure is FAR more stable than a two legged structure.

Why again are you assuming that you are going to take someone totally INCOMPATIBLE for your third partner... The idea of two old people bringing in a "foxy, stacked, twenty something" is silly.... How about taking in someone of similar age, similar lifestyle, similar social and political viewpoints? And how about at least TRY to think about it being BUILT THAT WAY FROM THE GROUND UP... It isn't just about bringing in a third party into a LONG TERM EXISTING MONOGAMOUS marriage..... but three SINGLE people opting to get married TOGETHER...

Think about it... You would have LESS to worry about... You don't have to give up enough to be the OTHER HALF of someone.... just A THIRD of a relationship.

You can SAY you have been through enough to KNOW better... But how many times have you TRIED a multiple partner relationship?