DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1497817
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Tue Dec 17, 2013 16:03:15
Subject Picking and choosing...

Grandparents were NOT central... If you read, it was Greandparents AND unmarried aunts and uncles... MULTIPLE ADULTS...

the 75% who you describe as already phoning in their current relationships are shitty at relationships REGARDLESS of whether it is a bi, a tri, or a quad type relationship.... It is the INDIVIDUAL that is the problem, nto the type of relationship.

And back to herpes... AGAIN, if you bring in indivuidals who are NOT good quality partners, you will have problems... As Jeff Foxworthy once put it, buying a rental car is like going to a house of ill repute looking for a wife... Quality is quality regardless of quantity.

You know it would not be right for YOU... that is fine...

I'm pretty much a one woman guy myself... (at least one at a time as trying to manage more than one at a time causes way to much confusion trying to remember the lies)... I remember a comedian joking saying that a man must fine a woman who loves him, and a woman who makes him laugh, and a woman who takes care of him... and most importantly he must make sure that they never meet each other... BUT, what if you could marry one woman who takes care of you, AND one woman who makes you laugh, AND one woman who loves you... And maybe even a guy who can help mow the lawn and rake the leaves, who can help with the women, but whom you don't ever have to share a bed with...