DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1501257
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmial.com
Date Tue Jan 14, 2014 09:24:52
Subject I would say a more accurate statement would

be that SEXUAL violence, power, and control turn them on...

Now there may be SOME folks who would get sexual arousal out of beating the shit out of someone and making them write bad checks... That is a demonstration of violence, power, and control... But is suspect that those would be pretty rare...

IMO the ones who engage in RAPE are the ones who get aroused by SEXUAL violence, power and control...

Take hte example of the abusive husband who beats his wife because she fails to fold the towels right, or because there is a spot of dirt on the floor... This is violence, power, and control, but it may not be sexual.

The key that SEPARATES rape from all of the rest of violent acts is the sexual component.