DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1514092
Author Sia☺giah
Date Fri May 2, 2014 02:15:03
Subject Oh C'mon Uru... She HATES you... Isn't it obvious?

Not to mention that she's never made any bones about her unbelievably hateful, disgusting attitude towards you... Everyone knows it so why would anyone assign an ounce of credibility to her hateful remarks to you... She hates me too... and does the same thing... If she hates someone, they are ALWAYS wrong... That's just a given as it is WHO she is... and she's proven it time and time again, going back as far as you can...

Ignore her fussing... She's just a b*tch who loves to act like she's the boss... Miss Bossy Pants must have been her nickname since childhood...