DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1514149
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmail.com
Date Fri May 2, 2014 17:23:30
Subject My personal opinion the state should not be involved at all

in peoples personal relationships....

However, that being said, once we GIVE the gov't the authority to license and regulate such things, we do kind of end up stuck when they don't nececssarly do it exactly the WAY we envisioned.

There are often restrictions on getting various state issued licenses. And considering homosexuality is not a religion, I would say that a law prohibiting state licensing of homosexual relationships is not violating any RELIGIOUS right.

Such a law would not prohibit a church or minister to offer a SACRAMENT (the religious aspect of the issue) to a gay couple. The only thing the law CAN effect is whether or not the state issues a LICENSE.

There is nothing that prevents a minister from saying, "By the powers vested in my by GOD, I pronounce you husband and wife." (or husband and husband, or wife and wife, or patners or however they want it phrased) The only thing he has to leave out is the part that says by God "AND BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA".

IMO we REALLY need ot get the state issued legal union portion of a marriage SEPARATED from the religious portion. It would end all of the bullshit.