DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1523925
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Aug 29, 2014 17:39:56
Subject No, you are reading the aftermath of posts by your ilk

I post on my board when and if I wish. Not for you to judge. Not your board. I have told you many times that I created a free board that has a life of its own, independent of me. Everyone is responsible for their own relationships with others. No net etiquette. No rules. No DNRs. No deletion of posts. No logging into the abuse database. I know that freaks out your petty mind, but it's not your board. You are no longer a board moderator. PMS/NBC was never your board anyway, neither is this hell hole. And PMS/NBC failed. My board is still thriving.

Fact remains ... your board was a failure. At least, HammerDeus had about 60K posts before it hit the dust.

So, just back off slowly, go pick out furniture with the queen of hate speech (annie fannie), and slink into silent desperation along with the other squids on this board.