DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1578776
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:09:10
Subject Laugh of the day:

"Chicago police appeared to engage in 'pattern or practice of use of excessive force' violating 4th Amendment, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says, revealing results of wide-ranging investigation." ...

... as the Chicago police attempt to do their job with both hands tied behind them, hindered by excessive administrative bullshit, while the lawless push more drugs, rob and kill each other and innocents ... dozens each week.

What you are seeing here, which is characteristic of the BoZobama admin, is black leniency on and sympathy for black and/or minority criminals.

And, yes, illegal entry into our country is a criminal offense.

Word has it that illegal aliens are flocking to Chicago and other sanctuary cities while BoZo is still presidunce in hopes that they will be exempt from deportation by a more law-abiding administration.