DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1581627
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:20:26
Subject I knew you would try to get your $0.02 in ...

... you are the proverbial parrot for the leftwing establishment.

I have witnessed first-hand the effect of vaccine on a kid: my brother's grandson. The effect of the vaccine was undeniable. It was virtually instantaneous. You have no idea what an overdose of mercury will do to an infant ... an overdose 100 times greater than EPA published safety limits.

I don't expect an intolerant idiot like you to see both sides.

You don't see the big pharma profit mechanism that got Congress to pass a law that parents couldn't sue big pharma? That is effin' unconstitutional to limit or obviate one's right to remedy and damages in court. Oh, I know that you will come back with that white-wine-drinking, sandal-wearing, pasty-skinned, CNN-watching liberal mantra of "It's for the greater good".

You would do well to sit down, shut up, and do some counter-research before you spout off your fake authoritative, booming cybervoice.