DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1592077
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:40:55
Subject And, what have you become?

What was the "discussion"?

It was a false indictment of Donald Trump by leftwing media, racists and bigots because he did not do what they thought he should do.

If you checked your facts, you would find that he denounced the violence in Charlottesville the same day it was happening. Trump is not responsible for law and order in liberal Charlottesville ... that is the duty of local and state officials.

Trump did all the right things. It's hate-filled white and black liberal bigots who are never satisfied with anything Trump does and who are doing their damnedest to bring him down. Would you be part of that group? "Counselor, could you be there?"

All things considered, you are rarely any part of a constructive conversation. You are either whining about personal problems, or you dash in on your broomstick with your whips and chains to assault someone while adding nothing of value to the issue at hand.

In case you don't know, what I do is called "pushing back" ... "fighting fire with fire". Liberal snowflakes don't like it.

Now, go assault PudWhacker in your sanctimonious piety for his litany of profane dialogue.

Ta-Ta and Tootles!