DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1593967
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Mon Sep 18, 2017 16:38:45
Subject It's all paper and they can't take it with them. One fact ..

... that is very important to me: they don't sign my paycheck.

You could take all their money away from them, and the bottom 130 million Americans would still be poor. In fact, many of them would be without jobs.

Much of that wealth increase is in paper that can't be converted to cash. Take FarceBook's Suckerberg for example, his wealth is one big dot.com bubble that could burst at any time. His phantom wealth takes nothing away from the 130 million Americans at the bottom other than they waste their time posting pictures of dogs and food instead of using their time wisely trying to improve their lot in life.

Sanders is an idiot with unworkable ideas.

Even Joe Biden knows that Sanders is an idiot.

You posted this in holes of raising a shouting match.

I don't think you understand much about wealth.

What kind of "limits" would you impose?