DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1600768
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Wed Feb 14, 2018 16:12:22
Subject What and where are these "famous works of art".

Now, you are an "expert" on art.


PS - I studied Art History. I have toured the Metropolitan, Art Institute of Chicago, Cleveland Museum of Art, National, Brooks, High, and many other museums of art, and I can assure you that those are not "famous works of art". That "art" shit (that nobody knew about until BoZo caused them to be exposed) is vile and deplorably racist, and you are an idiot (again) for denying that his works include decapitated white people. res ipsa loquitur

Sparking a discussion on the subject of race and power is what activists do to stir up racial divide.