DiscApp ID # 175790
Article ID # 1623706
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Tue Feb 5, 2019 09:12:08
Subject Religion and Ethics: A "MondoSpective".

It is entirely possible and verifiable that one can possess the utmost pinnacle of ETHICAL and MORAL virtuosity without, or independently of, adhering to any particular RELIGION.

I believe that our sense of ETHICS and MORALITY emanate more from an INNATE source, perhaps implanted there by our Creator, whether or not one believes in such Creator, as opposed to being solely ADVENTITIOUS.

Furthermore, it is far more likely that our sense of RELIGION is totally ADVENTITIOUS, passing, as does language, from one generation to the next in books, verbally and by example. To illustrate, people do not convert to Christianity innately. First, they must hear about Jesus Christ and the rationale for becoming a Christian. Same for any other religion.

In my view, religious conviction is a volitional choice. For some, it is a rational choice; for others, it is more emotional.

On the other hand, Ethics and Morality serve to limit and perhaps obviate volitional choices. Our sense of Ethics and Morality serve to place us on "automatic pilot" in our daily deeds and our guiding thoughts.

Complementary, supplementary and opposing viewpoints are most welcome.