DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 554060
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Mon Mar 5, 2012 18:50:36
Subject Who cares?

Limbaugh is a "shock-jock", in the same league with Howard Stern, just a different focus.

I am a political conservative, but I resent it when limp-dick liberals (and you know who you are) try to associate the likes of Limbaugh (or any other victim of jabber jaws) with true political conservatives.

The world is turning to plastic shit, with all the sanctimonious purveyors of fake/useless products and services turn to Facebook and Twitter for corporate news releases. Who the hell sits and reads ProFlowers Facebook and Twitter pages anyway? ... really? You would have to be some kind of perverted recluse. And who would trust their data with Carbonite? Who the hell is Carbonite? Those same kind of folks prolly buy Life-Lock too. How many of you use Citrix? LOL