DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 574108
Author Mondo Fuego
Date Sun Aug 5, 2012 15:47:03
Subject They ...

... in turn, oppose what you have to say. Marriage is not a "Christian -Only" institution ... it is universal around the world. Furthremore, it is a legal institution, governed by laws and legal permits, otherwise known as a "Marriage License". Some laws affecting the entire population have been codified in the Constitution. For example, one cannot become President unless they are 35 or older, which would appear to discriminate against almost half the population. The whole rationale behind regulating marriage by license limited to heterosexual couples of the age of consent was to foster and promote stability in the family unit for the benefit of the nation and future generations. There is nothing about same-sex marriage that promotes this nationalistic ideal. They are free to pursue their perversions outside the institution of marriage. There is no prevailing and pressing interest for same sex marriage. It serves no universal or national interest.