DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 595520
Author shadow
Date Tue Feb 26, 2013 18:23:19
Subject You've really completely damned yourself

with this out-of-control diatribe of yours, Pikes. Ever since you came on this board you have acted as if you consider yourself to be the supreme container for all knowledge. Those of us who've watched Ubermunch's posts for many years recognize him to be a true intellectual, one who doesn't need to sit comfortably in a particular liberal or conservative camp, but who can argue the good and bad of both. His extensive background in philosophy is well known and was well tested in arguments that used to be posted on these boards regularly with other well-educated philosophy students. What a lot of hot air you enjoy, while lacking the character ever to earn the reputation Ubermunch had long before you appeared. You are at the top of the list, however, among those who are grossly inebriated with the exuberance of their own verbosity.