DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 601856
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Sat May 4, 2013 16:19:38
Subject Sia

while I appreciate you notification of the death of Dain Ironfoot, it was not an open invitation for people like greenman to chime in ... he is no longer welcome on my board, and all of his posts there will be deleted as they occur. By letting his post stand on your board (which is referenced below), accompanied by other posts of ill will by your board members, all of which are aimed at trashing my board, me, and the posters there, you are just contributing to the overall negativity that exists between people on the two boards.



Speaking of evil, the White Whine Board

Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:52pm

I posted condolences regarding Dain Ironfoot on the Mongo Board, under a slightly altered nickname, and the sleazy li'l SOB took down the post.

Tells you all you need to know about the dirtbag, I think. Of course he long ago stopped even pretending to run his disgusting board under an "welcome all posters, no banning!" policy, but this was unusually low even for him.