DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 610629
Author Sprout
Email setxsprout@hotmial.com
Date Thu Aug 15, 2013 08:54:24
Subject I said nothing of the sort. Grow up.

Nowhere did I say that anything must be defunded "just becausse someone thinks the riches among us ned more tax cuts". That is your LIE.

Yes, I would cut farm subsidies ALSO...

The problem is that you cannot grasp the concept of sacrifice. You only are willing to face up to cutting things you WANT CUT ANYWAY...

When it comes to HARDER decisions... such as cuts where you DON'T want cuts, or tax hikes on MORE than just the folks you despise, you run and hide your head in the sand.

It is only in your fantasy world that all the problems can be solved with just the easy changes.

Hard decisions are going to have to be made eventually. But unfortunately the people in charge are like you, incapable of making them.