DiscApp ID # 206964
Article ID # 689767
Author Mondo Fuego™
Date Sat Feb 24, 2018 15:44:59
Subject he is broken Ted

HeavyHemi has been at the club night after night sobbing about his boyfriend leaving him. HeavyHemi convinces all the boys that he is heavy ;) but his package is not heavy in the least.his new boyfriend left because HeavyHemi exaggerated the size of his package He is a man with a big head and a small penis. He speaks of this site often and gave me the name BOARD FOR CIVILIZED GENERAL DISCUSSION, so i looked it up months ago he is not a bad guy, most of the boys accept him at the club.he speaks highly of someone here spikes i think and desires to meet this spikes. this could be a explanation of his action, trying to impress this spike person.so please try to overlook his actions until he gets over his heartbreak.thanks,Will Billingsly.