Re: Still getting broken glass & email change prob
Mon Oct 17, 2016 07:53

1. I tried to post the html for photos. All I get is the broken glass square

Can you give me an example where this is happening? When I look at your DiscApp, I see a picture of a black dog on the page.

2. You are currently logged in as caringpro@yahoo.com, but this DiscussionApp is registered to a different account. You may switch to a different account or enter this DiscApp's password in the next box.

When you go to the login page, are you deleting the information in the email and password boxes and only entering the password in the lower password box and then taking the mouse and clicking the submit button next to that box?

3. I used to get messages to my email when someone posted to my site. Now I don't. I also don't get notified when you answer on this site.

Have you checked your spam folders? Yahoo tends to call the notification emails spam.

  • Still getting broken glass & email change probwww.GiantSchnoodles.com caringpr, Mon Oct 17 02:00
    Hi, I know you must be busy with email attacks etc. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm still having some problems. I've been wi you about 15 yrs. Never had a problem before Now. So is progress, I guess wi... more
    • Re: Still getting broken glass & email change prob — Tamara, Mon Oct 17 07:53
      • Re: Still getting broken glass & email change probwww.GiantSchnoodles.com caringpr, Mon Oct 17 15:12
        1. It is below the picture of Xena, the black dog, & above the messages. 2. Need to get back to you on this. I'm traveling. will check when I get to a wifi 3. I got notification of your message this... more
        • 1. It is below the picture of Xena, the black dog, & above the messages. I do not see any HTML for an image below the picture of Xena in the Prologue section of the Admin page. 3. I got notification... more
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